Thursday, August 25, 2005

Karla Got me AGAIN!!

Seven Things I…Plan to Do Before I Die: This one is a little bittersweet
1.) Travel to Cuba to walk where my grandparents walked before me
2.) Hang with the Original Sucias from the retreat again(You know who you are), including Karla, Trina and Shelley
3.) Meet Ann Richards
4.) Have a decent conversation with my mother
5.) Stop working but still have money to live on
6.) Own a House
7.) Be on South Beach when I close my eyes for the final time

Things I Can Do:
1.) Cook
2.) Not talk for hours
3.) Sew and knit...anything crafty
4.) Dance
5.) Listen to my friends' problems
6.) LOVE easily
7.) CARE TOO MUCH at times

Things I Can’t Do:
1.) Ask for help when I need it
2.) Live without my cell phone
3.) Keep a big balance in my checking account
4.) Hang up curtains in my house
5.) Say no to my daughter
6.) Drive Slow - I have a lead foot
7.) Live without my computer

Things I say most:
1.) That sucks
2.) Shit
3.) the F word
4.) Whatever man
5.) YEAH MAN!!
6.) GEEZ!!

Now I tag Shelley, Tannia, Gloria, and Daashar


Joanne said...

Hey Kim - you forgot "you know?!" as one of your 7 most popular sayings! ;-)

Joanne said...

Wait, I meant you forgot, "Girrrrrrl, please!" LMAO

CubanDiva said...

Yeah I am really big on the GIRRLLL PuhLEEZE!! I know I could do more than 7, so I was keeping it short! lmao

The Grouchy One said...

Ms. Lady of Many Talents:
Speaking of knitting, you know I need my blanket. *sniffle* Winter's coming ;(

CubanDiva said...

Yeah yeah Grouchy! I will add that on to my to do list! lol