Friday, July 01, 2005


I had always said I would never really talk about work on my blog. I didn't want the IT police coming to my office and escorting me off the premises. But I just have to talk about work today. I am a benefits manager and my company went through open enrollment for benefits. It lasted 2 weeks. Now I am receiving all the forms back from everyone. My company has about 900 employees and I am used to handling an enrollment of up to 6000, so I thought 900 should be a breeze. WELL, WHAT KIND OF DAYUM DRUGS WAS I ON to think that?!

This has been the worst open enrollment I have ever experienced. First, this place is stuck in the 20th century. Can we get some electronic "paperwork" instead of tons of paper? Everything is on paper. The poor, suffering trees. And people wonder why we have an ozone problem! off on a tangent. Second, I have a Human Resources ASSistant that doesn't like to work. She was to help me get the packets mailed out, did like 10 and left the rest for me. Once the enrollment forms arrived back from the employees, she was to help me enter the information into our payroll system. She did 20 of those and said her hands hurt and she was tired. WHAT??!!!

Oh, just a little background on her...she has rheumatoid arthritis. I am VERY sympathic to medical illnesses, as I have experienced some myself. But she just plain doesn't want to work. She constantly talks about her arthritis...ENOUGH ALREADY! I am here to work! She was told BEFORE enrollment stated that she would have to step up to the plate and help me more than she has been. She said no problem. Well...Houston we have a problem!

I have been staying late at work trying to make sure all the benefit information is in to all of the carriers, doing data entry into our payroll system and this cow leaves work on time everyday and she is TIRED?! Yeah right! My eyes are going crossed from looking at the computer screen today. I have keyed in 450 enrollment forms. And she has done none today. I guess I am just going to have to put my foot down and say "You do 100 of these by Tuesday or we have problems!" The HR managers are afraid of her because of her arthritis and ADA...but I'm not...she has not requested any accomodations for her arthritis and she knew what she was getting into when she took the job. I know I sound like an unsympathetic beyotch...but can I just have someone who takes work as seriously as I do?

Third, the employees are really DUMB! They don't change their address when they move. Don't you check your pay stub or pay check? It has the address on there. That is why you didn't get a packet. Open enrollment is OVER people. DON'T call me saying you forgot! Well, I forgot to put in your information! We have been sending out annoucements for a month, before and during the enrollment period. Don't tell me you forgot and you want to send in your form or want me to send you a form. TOO BAD, SO SAD! IT AIN'T HAPPENING! What part of that isn't clear? That is why it is called open enrollment period!

Thank goodness it is a 3 day weekend because I might have to go postal on people! Get your bail money together! Trina, brush off those criminal law books!! I am on the EDGE, so don't push me OVER! :)


CubanDiva said...

LOL...I am Tannia!

The Grouchy One said...

Yeah, you know the rule.... you better get prayed up before you walk in there!! LOL.

PS, I see you got your Weatherpixie to work ;)


CubanDiva said...

You are so right Marissa! I need to take my own advice. lol