Sunday, August 26, 2007


Work...Who the hell created this concept of work?? Last Friday, I was fired from my job. I had this job for all of 5 months. What is wrong with me? What is wrong with the business world? Why do I have to be a cut throat bitch in order to succeed? I have been reassessing myself, my goals, and values in this profession. Human Resources should be about being a human being and being a resource for other human beings. But is about stepping all over people...being a BITCH all the time, fuck the little person, fuck the employees! It is all about BIG BUSINESS!!

And of course, all of this shit occurs AFTER I go out and buy a house. AFTER, I stick my neck out only to get it chopped off. Okay so now, I don't have a job. But I do have a house note, a car note, a teenager - who expects to be fed and clothed. I have got to rethink my life! Maybe I should just forget it and just go back to Nursing, although, it pains me to say it. I got so burned out on Nursing because I had to give so much of myself emotionally. Now, I am in a profession that is too impersonal, too uncaring. How do I find a balance?

Why do I need to work anyway? Why can't we just have a free economy, meaning get everything for FREE? I am tired of working anyway! I am tired of being nice when I don't feel like being nice, especially when other people are not being nice back. I am just tired. I am tired of trying so hard. I am tired of working for nothing or what seems like nothing.

Okay...enough...back to the classifieds

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Hey girl! I' m so sorry to hear about your job. I am looking for a job too, because my previous job is so slow they say they dont need me.

Ya, so I had a baby! He's my world. He's 3 months today.

Motherhood is a lot of work but man, its the best thing that's ever happened to me!

Thanks for stopping by the blog :)