Sunday, August 12, 2007

I'm IT!! 7 Random things about me!!!

I was supposed to do this months ago for my friend Karla, but I forgot. Okay Karla I remembered!!! Here you go:

My 7 random facts:
1. I don't like to be around tall objects, i.e., buildings, statues etc. I am basically afraid of them.
2. I wanted to be a doctor, but didn't want to go to school that long or not get sleep, so I changed to Nursing. Yes I am lazy and need my rest!! Turns out with all my degrees I have, it was the same amount of time as medical school. But I got to sleep!
3. I used to model for Ebony Fashion Fair from ages 3-7, when we lived in Chicago. I used to be in Ebony and the Chicago newspapers all the time.
4. When I was younger I wanted to be an Olympic gymnast and I wanted Bela Koroli to be my coach.
5. I curse like a sailor and I used to get my mouth washed out with soap all the time, but it never worked.
6. I wanted to be a nun when I grew up. But I discovered boys when I got to high school.
7. I like to collect cookbooks but I rarely use the recipes in them. I make up my own. lol

Okay Karla! I did it!!

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