Thursday, July 26, 2007

40 - the new middle age??!!

Okay the day finally made it!! I am NOW 40 years old. Is that the new middle age? I was reading on another person's blog that an author was middle aged, and she happens to be 40. I am like what???!!! When did 40 become middle aged? I know my bones creak and pop from time to time. My back feels like it is coming apart, but 40 is NOT old. I still feel like i am in my 20s. Although I have to say, in my mind I feel 60, but that is another blog to write.

I thought when I turned 40, I would be working as VP somewhere; I would have 2.5 kids and husband, my Range Rover. I know how materialistic of me, but shit I can't help it! That is what I saw for myself at 40. I thought I would be closer to retirement, a wishful 55, but that AIN'T happening. I am going to be freaking working until I drop dead. I have not saved for my retirement like I should have, I have not done anything like I should have. Where did I go wrong?!

But I have to say, I have more confidence in myself than I did in my 20's or 30's. It has been a gradual change in myself and my vision of myself. I feel more comfortable in my "skin" now. I had always heard that on Oprah, but I didn't pay any attention to it. But now I see what Oprah meant. I don't care what people think of me, my looks etc. It isn't so important to me. I understand the importance of being diplomatic as opposed to brash and outspoken. It is a change in MYSELF and my spirit!!

Turning 40 has gotten off to a great start. Can I make it to 50?!!

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