Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Immigration - Part II

I just wanted to respond to my girl Reese comment to my Immigration blog:

Yes, you can get H1-B visas, but they are EXTREMELY hard to get! I know because I run my company's Immigration/Expatriate program, in addition to my other duties. The government only gives out 250 visas per profession per year per country. The profession has to be specialized in an area that the U.S. doesn't have, so doctors, nurses and IT people don't usually qualify for those visas. You can't come from a certain country. Let's just say Middle Eastern countries are the most difficult.The only exception to this rule is China. They will allow up more Chinese in the country because they are a communist country and we make "exceptions" for communists.
I agree with you that the U.S. is not ready for a guest worker program, but we had better get ready or this problem will never go away. I wouldn't mind paying more in taxes, if I knew that I was going to get health care and housing, like they do in Canada. All I know is we have to do better or things are going to get worse for everyone, including Americans.


Reese The Law Girl said...

Yes, it's true that H1-B visas can be difficult to obtain. I wrote my law review article on it and part of my conclusion at the time was that there was a need for more. Of course, I wrote that article a few years ago, so things may have changed espcially in light of post 9-11 laws. However, I do believe that those visas were, for at least the 90's and early 2000's, used for IT people. I could be wrong about how they use them now.

In any case, from what I've read, this guest worker program is really for "unskilled" or "low-skilled" workers. And, like you said, the US cannot handle a guest worker program correctly. In fact, the only way this country could ever handle a guest worker program is if our whole government changed. Just like you said, the perfect model would be Canada. But, there is no way our government is ever going to change for the better like that.

Well, maybe if we get people like you (not me, I'd be assasinated on the spot, I'm telling you! ;) in office to get things moving. But, I doubt that capable leadership would ever have a chance to get elected.

Here's my belief about the U.S.: there's a right way to do something and a wrong way. 99 out of 100 times the U.S. will always pick the wrong way.

Reese The Law Girl said...

PS: I'm sorry that I'm always leaving long opinionated comments on your blog. I promise to be less wordy from now on...

Well, I will try. How about that? I will try... ;)

CubanDiva said...

I don't mind your long posts! That let's me know that someone is reading what I say! LOL

Karla said...

I love reading Reese and your comments. I find them to be so educational.